REGULATIONS ABOUT THE PROJECT IMPLEMENTATION GROUP Evolution of Culture and Education in the BRICS Member States Evolution Culture Onus BRICS “ECO BRICS”
1.General Regulations
1.1. This Regulation has been developed based on the legal status for the implementation of joint projects of the BRICS group member states.
1.2. Project Development Groups (hereinafter PDG) under the NP UCBC BRICS are guided in their activities by the UN Charter, the BRICS regulatory framework, the national legislation of the countries in whose territories it is planned to carry out activities, the norms of interstate substantive and procedural law and other generally recognized legal acts.
1.З. The full name is as follows: Project Development Group “The evolution of Culture and education in the BRICS states” under the NP UCBC BRICS. The short name is: PDG «ECO BRICS».
1.4. The PDG «ECO BRICS» has been assigned a corresponding registration index upon its registration with NP UCBC BRICS .
1.5. The legal status of the PDG «ECO BRICS» is as follows – a non-profit self-regulatory organization without the formation of a legal entity, established by NP UCBC BRICS for the purposes established by these Regulations.
1.6. PDG «ECO BRICS» follows in its daily activities the recommendations and requirements set out in the Regulations and Rules of Procedure for the Project Implementation Groups under the NP UCBC BRICS.
1.7. The address and actual location of the PDG «ECO BRICS» are subject to registration in accordance with the established Regulation.
1.8. For the purposes of implementing its activities the PDG «ECO BRICS» is entitled to have forms with its full and short name, seals, stamps and symbols according to the requirements of NP UCBC BRICS.
2. Prerequisites for the creation of the PDG «ECO BRICS».
2.1. The evolution of culture is a process of accumulation and transmission of cultural heritage from generation to generation. Recently, the term «ecology of culture» has been used. The ecology of culture is a branch of cultural knowledge, covering all spheres of life of a modern human being and his relationship to nature, society life and the individual life of a human being.
2.2. The Evolution of education as a process of continuous education, is a process of growth of the individuals educational (general and professional) capacity throughout his life, based on the use of a system of state and public institutions and in accordance with the needs of the individual and society.
2.3. The need for lifelong education is due to the progress of science and technology and the widespread use of innovative technologies.
2.4. PDG «ECO BRICS» responds to the challenges of the new time, it is guided by the desire to strengthen all-round cooperation between the BRICS member states and it strives to develop friendship relations between the foreign ministries, and open on this basis the way to the international cultural cooperation between the BRICS member states, taking into account the current situation.
2.5. Global processes are steadily influencing the evolution of culture and education in the BRICS countries. The active participation of the BRICS countries in the evolution of culture makes it possible to “smooth out” the transitions, to elaborate world development concepts, which will allow the BRICS countries, through evolution and continuous education accompanying culture, to achieve the highest degree of cultural development, while maintaining its uniqueness.
2.6. PDG «ECO BRICS» is, according to the decision of the leadership of the NP UCBC BRICS, a group of like-minded people and professionals in the field of culture and lifelong education.
2.7. The XXI century has opened a new era of information technology. We are witnessing a global process of interpenetration and dissolution of cultures of all countries and peoples, primarily through the media. All people who communicate with each other are messengers and promoters of their culture, history, language. Most of them are young people. They are the ones who change our world. The youth of all countries represents a powerful and irreplaceable potential for changing the planet Earth, and the future of all mankind is shaped by their consciousness. They alone are capable, through the evolution of culture and education, to make the human, cultural, linguistic, financial and political world united. What will this world be like? Is it going to be harmonious, intelligent, kind, without wars and aggression, or vice versa?
2.8. There is an urgent need for every sane adult, with his life experience and wisdom, to properly organize this world. PDG «ECO BRICS» of the BRICS member countries is being created for this very purpose.
2.9. Today, culture and education are becoming toxic through the use of the media and IT technologies, including social networks and new programs, since they do not pursue the true goals of culture as an educator of the human soul and mind, but lead humanity to the destruction of all foundations, accumulated by the experience of previous generations. And the education does not pursue the goal of developing every person and gaining useful knowledge, but becomes a hunter for an easy way of enrichment and useless experience for those who pursue the wrong goals.
3. Justification of the relevance of the project PDG «ECO BRICS».
Prerequisites for the problems:
3.1. The era of information technology has removed the borders between countries, continents and peoples.
3.2. Culture and education began to erode because of the large amount of information coming from the World Wide Web. People prefer to spend time on the Internet, and culture is losing its true purpose. Education has gone beyond its classical form and also became blurred.
3.3. The process of globalization is developing spontaneously, primarily through the World Wide Web and partly through the media.
3.4. The amount of information is increasing every second, uncontrollably, like a flood. People are drowning in the ocean of information. They don’t know whom they should listen to. Where is the true creative culture, where is the education, and where is pseudo culture? Who will tell you the truth, who will teach you? It is the PDG “ECO BRICS” who will extend you its helping hand in the flood of information».
3.5. Problems arising due to informational chaos and requiring long-term work:
3.А. The general level of culture decreases
3.B. Country histories are being erased and distorted
3.C. Art goes mainstream
3.D. The peculiar features of languages are blurred
3.E. People are becoming consumers and the general degradation is increasing
3.F. The balance of our united world is upset!
3.6. How does the PDG «ECO BRICS» solve the emerging problems?
3.A. Through all spheres of the PDG «ECO BRICS» we are helping to find a way out in the abyss of information. We are building the Ark of Cultural and Educational Evolution. Together with like-minded BRICS countries, we create light, we look at the Rising Sun of the New World. If not us, then who will intelligently arrange this world!? An urgent need for every person, with his life experience and wisdom is to properly organize this world and to turn chaos into a World Order.
3.B. The special emphasis of the PDG «ECO BRICS» is directed at young people. As a matter of fact, the evolution of culture and education, as well as the cooperation between the BRICS countries in this area will allow us to make a choice towards creation and benefit for all participants, not only in the BRICS countries, but also for all people. Thanks to our experience and wisdom we help young people not to choose a toxic culture with general chaos and destruction of the foundations of the world, not a useless education in order to achieve selfish goals by any means, but the way for creating the world with all its possibilities and modern technologies.
3.C. Using the potential of the youth in the BRICS countries and in the whole world, the possibilities of the World Wide Web, the best historical and national knowledge of previous generations and of the great creators of the modern world, we pursue the goal of creating a stable, highly cultured and educated community of people with a new planetary ideology (ecology) in culture, a new world continuous education, taking into account all the progressive knowledge accumulated by mankind, with new technologies in all areas and spheres of human activity, allowing to save the planet and cleanse it of aggressive technologies with consumption and destruction.
3.D. PDG «ECO BRICS» finds out what kind of modern technologies and tools are used to achieve international cultural cooperation in the BRICS countries, what are its results today, and determines how cooperation affects the evolution of culture and education in the BRICS countries. This is how our group of like-minded people sees novelty, relevance and an urgent need for the development of the project of the PDG «ECO BRICS».
4. “ECO BRICS” Spiritual and moral position.
4.1. Preconditions and rationale for the position of PDG «ECO BRICS».
4.1.1. Sane people of our planet are making efforts to remove low-quality cinema and television production from the culture and television in all countries. Artists should change the concept of the world perception to the creation of beauty, so that writers, poets and directors could create in such a way as great creators did of all times and peoples. In this case the elements of pseudo-culture products filled with violence, horror and pornography will disappear from the face of the earth.
4.1.2. This “production” has a particularly bad effect on the psyche of children and youth. Even children’s cartoons from some studios have an unacceptably high «stiffness factor». Education has also become superficial and is not aimed at the creating a correct image of the world. It destroys the framework of decency and all images and methods previously created by great teachers and scientists. We are in favor of new technologies entering our lives. However every responsible person encounters the problem of ecology of any method and any technology. What is this education aimed at? What does cheap production of pseudo-culture teach young people?
4.2. PDG «ECO BRICS» activities aimed at the creation of a spiritual and moral position.
We are changing the world for the better in the following ways:
4.2.1. PDG «ECO BRICS» will not fight against the producers of such «products», this method has outlived its usefulness. PDG «ECO BRICS» does not offer a way of struggle and prohibitions. They offer to contrast the products created by the participating countries of ECO BRICS, including young people under the guidance of wise adults — to «products» created by the hands of those who work for profit or out of revenge.
4.2.2. The difference between people who are creating ecological culture and education and people who are toxic destroyers is that the countries participating in the PDG «ECO BRICS», through their products of evolutionary culture and education, bring the energy of purifying the souls of people from cruelty and dirt, and thus change the world for the better.
4.2.3. The policy of PDG «ECO BRICS», the work of a group of like-minded people is focused on the prevention of «KITSCH culture» in any of its manifestations. We believe that such culture at the same time leads to the dehumanization of a person, as well as to the moral and mental corruption of young people. PDG «ECO BRICS» Group places special emphasis on the cultural and educated intellectual youth in the BRICS countries.
4.2.4. These young people will be able under the intelligent guidance of adults to nurture the worldwide idea of the synthesis of cultures, formations, religions, science and life itself in a united community of the BRICS countries, which will be called the PDG «ECO BRICS» community. And the movement towards this united community of like-minded people opens up through the evolution of the cultural, educational, environmentally friendly information space of the BRICS countries, namely, through the PDG «ECO BRICS».
4.2.5. Our position is as follows — there are many different cultures in the world, but they have similar roots, there are many different scientists, brilliant discoveries, methods of teaching and education, but they should have one goal — Creation.
5. The project covers several areas at once:
5.1. Creation of creative Unions in the BRICS — countries:
- The Union of Artists in the BRICS member countries
- The Union of Theatre Figures in the BRICS member countries
- The Union of film-makers in the BRICS member countries
- The Union of Writers in the BRICS member countries
- The Union of Musical Figures in the BRICS member countries
- The Union of Folk Crafts in the BRICS member countries
5.2. Continuous education for the purposes of cultural evolution
5.2.1. The opening of cultural training centers in the BRICS member countries: academies, creative workshops, venues for demonstrations: exhibitions, festivals, competitions, casting, etc.
5.2.2. Preservation of the cultural fund of the BRICS member countries and coverage of the activities of modern progressive associates of evolutionary culture, art and continuing education.
5.2.3. Promotion of people, ideas and brands of evolutionary culture and continuing education in the global information space.
5.2.4. Peacemaking.
6. Target audience for the project PDG «ECO BRICS»:
6.1. Youth — gifted, talented, curious: schoolchildren, adolescents, students in the BRICS countries.
6.2. Television, cinema and other media workers in the BRICS countries.
6.3. People of art, science, medicine, pedagogy and all the creative potential in the BRICS countries.
6.4. Entrepreneurs, industrialists, financiers, large corporations, programmers and creators of IT technologies and breakthrough technologies in any field.
6.5. Active bloggers and members of social networks, forums and communities on the Internet.
7. What purposes does the PDG «ECO BRICS» serve?
7.1. PDG «ECO BRICS» serves to build a bright future for the BRICS countries and for all mankind.
7.2. PDG «ECO BRICS» in the BRICS countries is being created with the aim of synthesizing environmentally friendly positive information in the field of the evolution of culture and education on the planet. With its help we will be able to connect eras and restore the broken thread of times and generations, build a bridge of understanding between the BRICS countries, between peoples, between adults with positive experience and knowledge, on one side, and youth, on the other, a bridge between the past and the future.
7.3. PDG «ECO BRICS» in the BRICS countries is a forge of youth personnel in the 21st century for the production and sale of high-quality products of evolutionary culture and innovative continuous education using classical teaching methods in creative workshops and academies and immersion in IT technologies with mandatory transformation and the use of IT technologies only for the benefit of all mankind and Nature. IT — technologies aimed at destroying the personality and divine foundations in humanity are excluded from the use of PDG «ECO BRICS».
7.4. PDG «ECO BRICS» in the BRICS countries is engaged in the popularization of new methods in culture, art, cinematography and teaching skills and the development of the creative potential of the individual.
7.5. PDG «ECO BRICS» serves the purposes of educating the personality in the XXI century through the evolution of culture and lifelong education in the BRICS countries.
7.6. PDG «ECO BRICS» is engaged in the synthesis of positive information on the planet, in order to change the future towards the creation and prosperity of mankind and the planet.
8. Changes caused by PDG «ECO BRICS» for the BRICS countries, where it is implemented and outside these countries:
8.1. Improves the image of the BRICS countries in the global information space through the implementation of PDG “ECO BRICS” projects of evolutionary culture and related continuous education .
8.2. PDG «ECO BRICS» has a positive effect on the minds of all segments of the world’s population, removes fear and disbelief in a bright future, brings confidence and fills all participants and spectators with happiness, turns people’s minds from the world of endless consumption and enrichment to the world of prosperity and universal creation for the good of the planet and of humanity, without the use of coercive measures and the substitution of human creativity for machine thinking.
8.3. PDG «ECO BRICS» unleashes the unrealized creative potential in the BRICS countries with the help of evolutionary culture and lifelong education using the younger generation, allowing each grain to be realized in young people, aimed at creating this world and the beauty of human feelings and experiences using the powerful potential of culture and innovative education accumulated for all centuries and generations by the BRICS countries, including all those values that were created by the high religious experiences of the creative people.
8.4. PDG «ECO BRICS» looks far into the future, but at the same time, today it is already opening the way for creative evolutionary transformations of mankind and the world, through attracting the creative potential of all people of the BRICS countries and everyone who wants to join the construction of a bright future for all mankind and the planet, using the whole accumulated potential of culture with a constant qualitative increase in the level of culture, ecology of culture in all areas of human life and through the accompanying continuous education of each person using high technologies of the future.
8.5. PDG «ECO BRICS» announces already today the elimination of the ways of confrontation and revolutionary transformations. People no longer need wars and revolutions that sacrificed on the altar of ambition and non-existent illusory confrontation between the younger and older generations for a place at the top of the pyramid of power. Endless conflicts between the younger and older generations, when children took up arms and killed their parents, and then parents accumulated power potential and killed children, the younger generation, for the sake of power and control of resources. This process is over. It has come to a complete decline and ended in the 21st century. We witness the agony of everything that has happened for centuries and millennia.
8.6. We are aware of this completion and we are closing this door. PDG «ECO BRICS» is responding to the challenge of the bright future for all mankind and understanding everything that happens as a necessary process of the growth of human consciousness, as an old school of battles for priorities, has closed all the paths and doors to this illusory reality and directed the BRICS countries along the original path of co-creation for youth and adults. This path is already existing and indicated by those people who were engaged in creating the future outside the old system. Everything is ready and waiting in the wings. The separate parts are already there, it remains to put them together. PDG «ECO BRICS» is going to do it!
8.7. PDG «ECO BRICS» is opening the door to the bright future of mankind by uniting the youth and the mature generation in the BRICS countries through and under a single cultural and educational brand «ECO BRICS» and the common goals of personal and world development through ecology, evolutionary, culture and continuous exciting education. PDG «ECO BRICS» attracts investments and sponsors to organizations and projects of PDG «ECO BRICS» through a single Center — PDG «ECO BRICS», since «ECO BRICS» offers new attractive evolutionary cultural relations in business, politics, consumer society and will become an intermediary and ambassador in industrial, financial coalitions of countries — BRICS participants.
8.8. PDG «ECO BRICS» expands the range of international relations of the BRICS member countries through the evolutionary cultural and educational interaction of youth and craftsmen, masters in the BRICS countries and the full-scale implementation of the PDG «ECO BRICS»
8.9. The result of the implementation of PDG «ECO BRICS» projects of all BRICS member countries is a new Model of the World, created through the ecology of culture and education with all the ensuing results, such as the disappearance of national and religious contradictions, the complete dissolution of the confrontation between the systems of government of the countries.
9. The main objectives of the PDG «ECO BRICS» and the structural subdivisions of the PDG «ECO BRICS» in the BRICS countries are as follows:
9.1. Creation of a common cultural space in the BRICS countries using the Internet information network.
9.2. Identifying talented youth in the BRICS countries through festivals, round tables, exhibitions, seminars, training courses, camps, academies, publishing complexes and online eco-culture clubs in order to create products of evolutionary culture and related lifelong education, to promote the development of BRICS alliances, and promote them on the televisions of the BRICS countries and on the Internet, in order to create a bright future, to make the world a better place, by creating positive and life-giving images in culture by the power of youth creativity and the genius of recognized masters of culture.
9.3. Creation of galleries of a new type having the status of «ECO BRICS» museums with auctions in the BRICS member countries, performances in theaters using IT technologies and digital technologies in cinema and other forms of art.
9.4. Studying the market of modern teaching aids, educational and cognitive cultural projects around the world, popularizing new methods in teaching and mastering the information space while abandoning completely vulgar mass culture, catastrophic and other negative information and searching for new ways in art, literature and philosophy.
9.5. Carrying out round tables, exhibitions, seminars, training courses, camps at the world level, together with international organizations of the BRICS countries.
9.6. Search, identification and assistance in the development and promotion of gifted individuals and youth, teachers in the field of art, video, cinema, culture of education, education, television, publishing, the Internet, multimedia and digital technologies, etc.
9.7. Development of methodologies, organization and implementation, together with industry and specialized organizations and specialists, of the development trends of international, accompanying the culture of education and culture of the new planetary thinking of mankind in the XXI century.
9.8. Participation in national and international projects for the development of planetary regulatory documents dedicated to evolutionary culture and new concomitant continuous education of citizens, from childhood to considerable age.
9.9. Participation in the development and evaluation of proposals on culture, education, and information technology of the XXI century from all countries and individuals.
9.10. Provision of information, advisory, technical and expert, organizational and management services and assistance in assessing financial, economic and creative and technical capabilities, as well as in the preparation, development and implementation of bilateral or multilateral projects for the cultural, educational and other programs that contribute to the development of new planetary thinking of mankind.
9.11. Development of programs implemented in the field of culture of the BRICS countries, aimed at professional training of personnel for associations in the field of culture in the BRICS countries from among gifted youth.
9.12. Assessment and examination of initial technical proposals and feasibility studies of projects in the field of culture, namely, film, television, video, photo, audio, artistic and printing products in art, folk crafts and related education, together with other organizations of the countries — BRICS members.
9.13. Development and implementation of schemes for financing projects in the field of culture, art, cinematography, related education, holding competitions and tenders to identify participants and performers of projects through the PDG «ECO BRICS» in the BRICS member countries.
9.14. Acquisition, sale, rental and distribution of works of art, film, television, audio, photo, video, printing products and handicrafts in the BRICS countries and any other countries.
9.15. Translation and dubbing of film, television, audio, video and printing products in all languages of the BRICS countries.
9.16. Carrying out operations for the export and import of works of art, film, television, video, photo, audio and printing products, as well as raw materials, modern equipment, works and services, both directly necessary for all PDG «ECO BRICS» divisions to carry out activities, as well as and as part of receiving and providing assistance in charitable activities.
9.17. Other activities not prohibited by the current legislation of the BRICS countries, aimed at achieving the goals of the PDG «ECO BRICS».
9.18. To implement the goals and objectives of the PDG «ECO BRICS», the BRICS countries and around the world will select intellectuals, thinkers and strong personalities of the planet, as well as experienced people, spiritual seekers, planetary thinkers and active figures.
10. About youth of the BRICS countries
10.1. Young people around the world communicate spontaneously, existing organizations and unions, academies and workshops are disconnected and operate in a huge information vacuum, all such organizations and associations have an unmet demand for a truthful and unbiased presentation of information about the latest achievements in all areas of development and evolution of human culture and related education. PDG «ECO BRICS» solves the problem of youth disunity with original methods, combining ready-made clusters and centers of culture into a single quantum team with a nonlinear control system based on the principle of birth and formation of fractals.
10.2. Due to the absence of a modern unified cultural center for the BRICS countries, according to the new principle of fractals arrangement, the information gap creates a distorted vision of the world, each association «stews in its own juice» and creates its own idea of development. We can see tendencies of disunity and misunderstanding about the way in which direction the mankind should develop. PDG «ECO BRICS» solves this problem based on new knowledge of physics, chemistry and biology of living and inanimate objects and magic of the same fractal compounds.
10.3. With such an incredible flow of information, there is a huge unsatisfied interest in systematic targeted information about the processes of globalization, the formation of the new world, the problems of the old world, world politics and people. And as a result we see the lack of a clear vision of the future, everyone is expecting a certain hour «H» (time of the beginning of change), world wars, catastrophes, the end of the world.
10.4. It is PDG «ECO BRICS» that performs the task of stopping the destruction of the world and solves the issues of a clear vision of the future with the cancellation of a certain hour «H», and the end of the world.
Regulation prepared by:
Chairperson of PDG «ECO BRICS» — Maria Avdeevna Karpinskaya
Tel. +7(915)183 7818, +7(916)516 4221, E-mail —