Партнерство ЭКО БРИКС и IMA

Aliis inserviendo consumor!
Dr. Tulpius.

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أكادیمیة مارینسكایا الدولیة
القسم الأقلیمي لاكادیمیة مارینسكایا الدولیة
Regional department of China الصین of
International Mariinskaya Academy
named after Maria Dmitrievna Shapovalenko

Международная «Мариинская академия имени Марии Шаповаленко»

China - Китай

Академик отраслевого отделения МАТЕМАТИКИ (27)

Geng Ouyang

Academician of the department of
« MATHS» (27) of International Mariinskaya Academy named after M.D. Shapovalenko.
Beginning with the modern “strict mathematically proven” Zeno’s
Achilles-Turtle Paradox: the newly discovered Harmonic Series
Paradox, I have been working hard for 40 years to solve some major
fundamental defects disclosed by the suspended “infinite related
paradox families” (syndrome complex) in present mathematical
analysis and set theory. A new infinite theory system with its related theory of “infinite science carriers” is to be opened up and
developed, and the 2500 years old huge black cloud over
mathematics sky is to be removed.

Академик-секретарь отраслевого отделения ПОЛИТИКА И ПОЛИТИЧЕСКИЕ НАУКИ (11)

Pablo Alberto Baisotti Пабло Альберто Байзотти

Academician-secretary of the department of «POLITICS AND POLITICAL SCIENCES» (11) of International Mariinskaya Academy
named after M.D. Shapovalenko.

  • Ph.D. Politics, Institutions, History, University of
    Bologna, 2015
  • M.Phil. International Relations Europe-Latin
    America, University of Bologna, 2008
  • M.A. Law and Economic Integration, University Paris
  • I Pantheon Sorbonne/ University of El Salvador, 2007
  • B.A. History, University of El Salvador, 2004
  • Tertiary Education, Pbro. A.M.Sáenz, 2002
  • Current Position Full-time Research Fellow, Center for Latin American Studies, School of International
    Studies, Sun Yat-Sen University, March, 2017

Учреждение Международного телекоммуникационного образовательного проекта
«Мариинская галерея имени Марии Шаповаленко» МОО «Информация для всех»

Россия, 121096, Москва, а/я 44; www.ifap.ru; https://twitter.com/papa8883; +7(918)443-00-43, +7(928)434-20-84; E-mail: papa888@list.ru